Sunday, March 1, 2009

I do not "GET" Fashion

To me this just screams.....Look ma, I just graduated from clown collage. I am a plus size (14-16)

I hate to go shopping lately. Who are making these clothing choices for us? Could it be some super skinny chick who is jealous of our curves. Or maybe some woman hating man, because no one who loves us would market these clothes.

And whose great idea was it to put big girls in what amounts to "cow print"?

Then, we have the Bubble skirt, in plus sizes no less. I personally believe some styles should NEVER come in plus sizes. This is one of them. I can't imagine anyone wearing this, unless you are getting paid, or lost a bet.

And last but not least, we have lovely little piece. $1395.00 for this necklace. First, it is hideous. Second, it is huge. Third, the price is outrageous.
Have we convinced designers that we will buy anything if they say it is cool?

It's stuff like this that reminds me why, if I am not in uniform, I am in sweats or jeans.

1 comment:

  1. Tell me about it! I was plus sized, lost some weight, haven't managed to acheive the hollow gaunt model look (and nor would I ever try because I love food too damn much) and still can't find nice flattering stuff without multiple shopping days. Clothes seem to be either too unstructured and billowy (a la the first picture) or too mumsy looking. Although I don't mind the bubble hem dress too much because of the banding under the bust - still can't pull it off though. And I completely agree about the necklace - it's hideous.
