Saturday, February 20, 2010

A Linear Life?

When I was younger I thought of life as linear, one event happening after another. That was how history was taught in school. That is how I perceived it for a long time. Truth be told, everything is happening at once and this week, again, is proof. I was reading my 'Facebook" page, yes I have one, with my real name and everything. All of my friends updates brought me back to reality. First me, I awoke in extreme pain. I could barely move, let alone think. I didn't want to think much either because I couldn't escape the anniversary of my father's death. However that memory was countered by the birth of two beautiful and healthy girls. Making two of my favorite women Grandmas. Reading further I got to celebrate a wedding anniversary, and two more birthdays. Further reading took me to the funeral of a friends mother, the death of a life long friend and death of a 15 month old child. Should I stop? No. Then I would have missed one friend helping children and another putting all her free time into animal rescue. There are two more of my favorite women working their ass's off to make themselves healthier and the lives of their children better, someone just got a new job as we got a pay and benefits cut. We still have a job as another friend finds himself unemployed and yet another starts on a entirely new career. I won't stop reading, I won't stop crying or laughing, I will keep on living, along with my friends, in this great crisscrossing of events. Funny, does not stop being funny, because someone is sad. Sadness however lessens when exposed to the light. To my friends and family, please continue to share both your ups and downs. It helps to know we are not alone. I love you all and I am grateful that you share and that I can share with you.

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